



ENC 22 attendees, speakers, partners, presenters, sponsors, for making the October 2022 European Nursing conference a huge success. In this we’ve tried to capture the spirit of the final statement of Future Proof Nursing, Nurses as Key Drivers of Change. Enjoy and share it with your colleagues! Wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new Year! Dutch version English version

THANK YOU!2022-12-19T12:04:10+01:00

“Onacceptabel: jonge verpleegkundigen verlaten het vak!”


Er moet veel meer geïnvesteerd worden in het verpleegkundig domein. Dat betekent: goede salarissen, betere loopbaankansen en carrièrepaden, meer zeggenschap en autonomie. Meer verpleegkundig onderzoek en tijd voor bij- en nascholing. Want verpleegkundigen zijn én blijven cruciaal voor een toegankelijke gezondheidszorg voor iedereen. Dat staat te lezen in de slotverklaring van het 6e Europees Verpleegkundig Congres: Future Proof Nursing, Nurses as Key Drivers for Change. Ruim duizend verpleegkundigen uit praktijk, onderzoek en onderwijs bespraken hun bijdrage aan het toekomstbestendig maken van verpleegkundige zorg. Projectleider Johan Lambregts: ‘Het congres heeft belangrijke resultaten opgeleverd. Verpleegkundigen zijn nog niet hersteld van de lichamelijke en [...]

“Onacceptabel: jonge verpleegkundigen verlaten het vak!”2022-10-17T14:59:40+02:00


A big and sincere THANK YOU to all ENC22 participants, partners, keynote speakers and presenters! You made Future Proof Nursing; Nurses as Key Drivers for Change a huge success. All presentations will be accessible online for another year. Despite the many challenges we face, nursing is still the most beautiful and impactful profession in the world. Read our final statement. Final statement (English) Slotdocument (Dutch)




After posting the Final Announcement, ENC22 became the subject of critical remarks on Twitter, because of a lack of participants of color among keynote speakers and the congress committees. The remarks on Twitter made us realize that we had not been sensitive regarding this subject matter. In June 2021 we approached our committee members to attract a diverse line-up of keynote speakers. In hindsight, we did not pay sufficient attention to the mix of speakers. Future Proof Nursing is not possible without inclusivity and diversity. We are very grateful for the active support of Sue Tranka (CNO Wales UK), Howard Catton [...]


Late Breaker


ENC22 calls for Late Breaker Submission of your abstracts. A late-breaking abstract should contain new information. It should comprise of results that were not yet known, or fully available, on the standard abstract submission deadline. Late Breaker Submission ends 21st July 2022.

Late Breaker2022-07-18T09:02:36+02:00



Don’t miss this opportunity. Make nurses Key Drivers of Change in Future Proofing Nursing. ENC22 calls upon nurses, researchers, educators, to submit their abstracts. Research, practice or education based. Deadline for submitting your abstracts is 1 March. Submit Abstract

LAST CALL FOR ABSTRACTS!2022-03-02T12:19:06+01:00